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Regardless of personal circumstance, historically there have been very few in Ireland who are morally at ease with a two-tier health system that affords advantages to those with the financial means to meet the cost of private insurance premiums.
Securing swifter access to specialists, more comfortable hospital stays and even a greater selection of post-procedure meals, money has long-made medicine’s proverbial pills easier to swallow in the Republic.
The coronavirus pandemic has, however, presented a new perspective on the age-old debate as to whether or not healthcare is a right or a privilege.
Click here to read the article: Private Healthcare & Ireland: A Social Responsibility?
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Important Changes to Personal Injuries Awards
Private Healthcare & Ireland: A Social Responsibility?
The Value of Latent Defects Insurance
Navigating the changing insurance market
Life Sciences
Owner-Controlled Insurance Programmes
Cyber Insurance
COVID-19: What are the management liability implications for directors and officers?
COVID-19: What are the implications for employers as we return back to work?